Surfbreak Protection Society

Save Mangamaunu
Nationally Significant Surf break to be destroyed – For a Cycle Way? In order to provide a cycle way and car park for better access to the surf break, Mangamaunu itself will be adversely affected. Please sign the petition 19 March …

Duke Kahanahamoku – Our Nation Celebrating 100 years since.
“Where is this Honolulu Maori you call Hawaiian?” Are the words that paramount chief Tureiti Te Heuheu Tukino V of Ngati Tuwharetoa spoke as he made his way through the crowd seeking the Olympic gold medalist giving his surfing demonstration at Lyall Bay …

Proposed Airport Extension in Lyall Bay
Lyall Bay is a heritage site for New Zealand surfing, where in 1915 Hawaii’s Duke Kahanamoku demonstrated the sport of kings. 100 years on, what effects will the WIAL airport extension have on the Bay for surfing? Read our submission here …

Surfbreak legal protection and planning
New Zealand is recognised as the first country in the world to incorporate surfbreak preservation concepts within its legal and planning framework. The intention of this page is to discuss and link all available literature to do with surfbreaks in …

Aramoana – Whareakeake
19th December 2013 SPS is happy to have found mutual understanding with Port Otago Ltd and its shareholder Otago regional Council over the best practice to avoid adverse effects on Aramoana Spit and Whareakake surfbreaks from the depositing of dredge …