RAGLAN : A facebook page has been set up based on lies and misleading information regarding a house to be built near indicators for the rightful Tangata whenua.
Be aware that when you make your way to indicators you are actually trespassing across Unextinguised Maori title land, you make your way to Indicators with the tolerance of the indigenous people, there is no right of public access.
If ignorant, abusive, and threatening comments aimed at the Tangata whenua continue (by mostly pakeha surfers) on that page, then the Surfbreak Protection Society will be unable to predict the future access to Indicators.
It is in your hands, be respectful or loose it, simple.
If you have previously liked that page, and regret your action, you can unlike a page, just follow the instructions on this youtube video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4F0crERt2g4 You can of course submit INFORMED comment.
The house has been designed with sensitivity to the landscape, and will not harm indicators. The plans for the dwelling have been vigorously tested through the environment court and all concerns regarding the surfbreak have been met.
Update 19 03 15
The contentious Raglan facebook page has been removed, the page was “clickbaiting” people with misleading information.
While the page administrators of the now deleted facebook page remain anonymous, Page 4 of the Raglan Chronicle gives some detail about those who have been continuing the controversy.
However none of those complaining of the house turned up at a public meeting held to discuss the issue earlier this month
A number of local surfers are respectful of the landowners privacy, and elect to paddle out from Whale Bay.