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At the core of every SPS member is a recognised connection/bond with the ocean, and of being at one with the the Sea and those creatures that inhabit its depths.
Is our Government going to do everything it can to save the remaining 55 Maui dolphin from extinction?
Let Nick Smith, Amy Adams, John Key and the rest of the crew at National HQ just how significant these beings are and how New Zealand’s clean green credibility would fare if we as a nation did not do all that we can to save these NZ native sentient beings from extinction.
It is now over a year since the government publicised its review of the Maui’s dolphin threat management plan. This was in response to the alarming news that there were only likely 55 adult dolphins surviving.
The proposed response did little more than maintain the status quo Forest and Bird and EDS have both lodged strong submissions seeking full protection for the dolphins.
Even if all you do is follow this link and state that you fully support the submissions of Forest and Bird (and the Environmental Defence Society,) that would be making a stand.
E-Submission: Help save our Maui’s dolphins | Forest and Bird
By filling in the following fields and clicking submit at the bottom of the page, you will be emailing the Hon. Nick Smith,

E-Submission: Help save our Maui’s dolphins | Forest and Bird
By filling in the following fields and clicking submit at the bottom of the page, you will be emailing the Hon. Nick Smith, Minister of Conservation, and the Hon.
You can read more at the EDS website too.