Surfbreak Protection Society
Surfbreak Protection Society
News Archive
February Monthly Update


As usual a lot of work goes on behind the scenes here at SPS.

The father of modern surfing Duke Paoa  Kahanamoku

The father of modern surfing Duke Paoa Kahanamoku


SPS has been working closely with the New Brighton Pier and Foreshore Society in Christchurch, South Coast Boardriders, in Dunedin, Lyall Bay SLSC and Wellington Boardriders, and New Plymouth Surfriders Club to promote the celebration of 100 years of Duke Kahanamoku demonstrating his surfing skills to thousands around N.Z. in 1915. It is important to acknowledge our surfing heritage, and the crew here at SPS are grateful for the above mentioned organisations doing just that.


The website upgrade is nearly complete, the major change has been placing 5 campaigns up on the front page, instead of just the one, this highlights the fact that we need a lot of updating to do on our campaigns to keep you informed with whats happening with surfbreak protection around the country – which is a good thing. We also have included an RSS feed at the bottom of our homepage updating you with the latest news from our companion organisations – Save The Waves – Surfrider foundation – Surfers Against sewage -KASM.

Our campaign on Whangamata waste water concerns is stalled while our point man Paul is visiting family down south, in the meantime we strongly urge that you do not enter the water after heavy rain just before or just after long holiday weekends, or around spring tides. SPS are very disappointed with Waikato Regional Council’s unwillingness to even investigate water safety issues at Whangamata. There is more to come on this one.

SPS are continuing to work with Wellington Boardriders Club regarding our concerns with the Airport extension, and we will have more news on this mid March.


The crew at SPS