Using Google Earth®, Save the Waves has constructed a map of all the nominated WSR waves worldwide. This includes the New Zealand waves that were listed in Surfbreak Protection Society’s and SEA’s (Surfers Environmental Advocates) submissions to the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement review in 2008.
To view the list and take a birds eye view of these surfbreaks you first need to download Google Earth®. Click here
Then download the Save the Waves WSR plug in file. Click here
When you have downloaded the WSR file follow the instruction below.
Open Google Earth
– Load the "Nominated_World_Surfing_Reserves.kmz" file. Double-click it to open up the "WSR Nominees Folder"
– You should see the Surfing Nations folders labeled alphabetically
– Scroll down to the New Zealand Folder and double click it to zoom in on our country.
Additionally if you have previous GE WSR files loaded uncheck them/delete them to make sure "Nominated_World_Surfing_Reserves.kmz" is the only file on your GE map.