A workshop has been organised on surf breaks at Auckland Uni at the end of May that will involve a good gathering of the experts to discuss how to implement the NZCPS. It is being held alongside the EDS Conference www.edsconference.com on coastal spatial planning (they are promoting it on their website and programme). The workshop will be held at The University of Auckland, The Design Theatre, Conference Centre, Building 423, 22 Symonds Street on the 31 May 7.30 – 9.30pm.
© Tom Shand
Seventeen surf break locations were recently declared as nationally significant under Policy 16 of the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement (NZCPS) 2010.
A workshop has been organised to discuss the inclusion of surf breaks into legislative planning frameworks. Topics to be covered include:
(a) What are surf breaks?
(b) What impact might Policy 16 have on planning and resource consent decisions?
(c) How might surf breaks be provided for through marine spatial planning and planning documents?
The group of experts who appeared before the NZCPS Board of Inquiry Hearing on Policy 16 will guide a round table workshop on these topics. These experts will include Hamish Rennie (Senior Lecturer Environmental Management and Planning, Lincoln University), Robert Makgill (Director, North South Environmental Law), Matt Skellern (Planner, University of Auckland- Surfbreak Protection Society) and Dr Shaw Mead (Technical Director, ASR Ltd).
The workshop will be held at The University of Auckland, The Design Theatre, Conference Centre, Building 423, 22 Symonds Street on the 31 May 7.30 – 9.30pm.
This promises to be an interesting and informative forum. Entry is free and all are welcome.